Residents Section 3 Information
Who is a Section 3 Resident?
- Public Housing residents
- Persons who live in the Local Area (within the boundaries of the City and County of Sacramento) where a HUD or SHRA assisted project is located and who is considered to be a low- to very-low income person (have a household income that falls below HUD’s income limits). HUD income limits are provided below and on the New Hire Questionnaire.
Review the chart below, match your household size (include yourself) with the maximum household income before taking this employment opportunity.
Income Limits - 2022 Number in Household 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Maximum Household Income $ 56,750 $ 64,850 $ 72,950 $ 81,050 $ 87,550 $ 94,050 $ 100,550 $ 107,000
Outlined below are minimum requirements to be met by the contractor and all subcontractors performing work on this project. The minimum requirements are triggered by federal regulations and SHRA policy and require active involvement by the contractor and subcontractors in soliciting local employees and contractors. Specifically, Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 as amended (12U.S.C. 1701u) and SHRA policy requires, to the greatest extent feasible, that employment and contracting opportunities be provided to Section 3 Residents and Section 3 Businesses.
For example, if your household size is 3 and the total annual household income was $72,950.00, you would fall within the income limits of the chart. From the chart above, the income was below the maximum for a family of 3 ($72,950).
If your total household income is within the limits of the chart, that person is considered a Section 3 Resident.